Mission and Philosophy

Contact Us:  562-425-5112
Email:  principal@smgschool.com

St. Maria Goretti School Mission and Philosophy: 

Our mission is “to serve students by providing a Catholic education that challenges them to serve God in a diverse and inclusive community. 

Our philosophy is that the administration, faculty, and staff accept the privilege to support parents by providing a solid educational program steeped in the atmosphere of Gospel values.     

Spiritual Goals and Objectives: 

We strive to:

  • Provide an atmosphere conducive to the learning and living of our Catholic Christian faith

  • Assist each student to make a conscious connection between religious beliefs and life choices

  • Assist each student to become aware and make use of opportunities to integrate the Gospel values into their daily life

  • Help students to be aware of their responsibility to promote justice and perform Christian service

Educational Goals and Objectives:

We strive to: 

  • Provide students with the skills and tools necessary to adapt to the changing world 

  • Assist students to develop the needed study skills which will enable them to succeed scholastically, according to their individual ability

  • Provide students the fundamental skills and motivation necessary to succeed in higher education